COLISEUM: There was the hit ongoing series of Harley, and plenty of one-shots and miniseries over the past few years. What can fans expect from this series they haven’t seen yet?
JIMMY: More of the same honestly and delivered twice a month. We are moving some of the supporting cast in and out of the stories and will see that Harley is being haunted by someone in her past over the year long issues. Honestly, the book takes off right after issue 30 but we took a few pages in the new # 1 to reintroduce new readers and bring them up to date with everything that has been going on in her life. We have a lot of exciting story lines we are finally going to explore and open up the series with a sort of Zombie problem in Coney Island that is nothing like anything you have seen before. Ivy and Redtool are along for the ride in these issues. Poor Redtool…wait till you see what happens to him.
COLISEUM: Harley’s been doing her share of crossovers with other characters, namely in the Little Black Book series. Will we see any guest appearances or new faces in Harley Quinn?
JIMMY: We will be seeing a lot more of Ivy, the Joker and other DC characters over the next year in the book as well as her new friends becoming more involved in her life. The main focus though is always Harley, so that will not change. The Black Book has given us a great opportunity to take Harley into the past and alternate situations where the impossible becomes possible, but we are leaving that element in that series and keeping the new series grounded with her surroundings and the DCU. With the book coming out twice a month, we can really dig in and get away with some crazy stuff because who can really police that many books, lol.
COLISEUM: You and Amanda seem to do a lot of collaborative work together; can you describe your creative process on an average issue?
JIMMY: We talk a lot, all day long, breakfast, lunch and dinner about things going on in the world and shoot ideas along the way at each other for Harley story ideas. When the time comes to work on the book we discuss what we want to happen over a few issues and then we dig in and break down the issue. Once we do that I generally write it and Amanda gets that and reworks some of the script and dialogue until we are both happy with the results. This happens daily at our place. It’s a fun house of work and play. Thank God for our wonderful editor Chris Conroy, he keeps it all together.
COLISEUM: You’ve had quite a history working on DC Comics titles. What’s been your favorite experience?
JIMMY: I think creating properties and characters like The Resistance, The Monolith, 21 Down, Tallulah Black, the Barbary Ghost and Harleys supporting cast, and anything I get to create from scratch. Its fun building on other peoples characters, but nothing gives me more joy than creating my own. As far as experiences with DC, it’s a wonderful relationship that continues to be one where the people working there encourage my creativity, have our backs on every turn and include us in so many ways when business is going great. They are the only company that I have worked for that calls regular to ask how I am doing and if there is anything I may need and so on. They are generous, they play fair and it’s the reason I have been working for them for so long. A lot of other companies can take a lesson or two from them.
COLISEUM: Is there a title or character you’d like to someday write about?
JIMMY: I would love to do a Tallulah Black series with Justin Gray. I think the timing is right for this on a million different levels. Maybe a Sy Borgman mini series would be fun as well, but it would sell 15 copies. lol…
I have nailed just about every other character owned by other people and now look forward to continuing to build up Harley’s universe and come out with more creator owned books in the future.
COLISEUM: Is there anything else in the pipeline you’re working on that fans can get excited for?
JIMMY: Well, that the moment I have DELETE coming out from First comics and I am currently working on a Sex and Violence Vol. 3 kickstarter. I am also working on screenplay adaptions of some of my work. Painkiller Jane is being developed, and Back to Brooklyn is almost done. My next project after is a book with Amanda on art, but I cannot talk about it yet. For DC we have a Kamandi issue we are working on as well….coming soon. To check out the latest, you can always go to to see what’s going on.
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